I believe this is the most important century for humanity, and without greater thought and investment our rapidly developing technology could drive us to a dystopian future, or possibly extinction. I am a multiple time TEDx speaker on my research into the impact of transformative technologies on society, and my personal mission is to inspire a generation of leaders to prioritise these problems and ask the questions need to be answered.

To that end, I created What Future World?, a blog and community project to develop a vision for an ideal future world and the strategy for achieving it. Often the odds seem stacked against us. WFW? will provide hope and a detailed plan to move ever more people to action rather than malaise. The mission is simple - to create a better future.

I am also developing The AI Governance Archive (TAIGA), an online platform to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the transformative AI strategy and governance research community and am a Leadership Development Faculty and Coach affiliated with Educe Partners.

Previously I co-founded LifeWork - a payment platform that helps freelancers get paid faster and more securely - and the Small Business School Challenge - a hackathon connecting MBA students with SME owners needing support to adapt to COVID.


Select Media

Holding On: Maintaining our Authenticity in a Rapidly Changing World | TEDxChigwell 2023

David discusses how we can all maintain our authenticity and sense of self in a world that is changing at an ever-faster rateā€¦and has no plans on slowing down.

The Real Problem With Robots Taking Our Jobs | TEDx OhloneCollege 2019

David Corfield talks about the Future of Work and how the rise of artificial intelligence and automation will affect humans' relationship with work and how working in the future can change for us all.